Today is a day a remembrance, a day we as a nation should gather together and remember ALL that was lost
By Riner Volunteer Rescue Squad
September 11, 2024

While we tend to remember and mourn for the first responders because we are a family, we also hold tight to the memory of those who were in the towers, those who were in the planes, those who fought selflessly to take down the terrorist to save so many more lives while giving up their own.

America was changed that day for those of us who remember, and our generations that came after these attacks should be taught about the day that changed America.

The Nation that came together and stood hand in hand after the terror attacks is still there and can be heard if you listen.

We were a nation that mourned together, that prayed together, and became stronger together as time went on; and that we can be again.

Hold your loved ones tightly and remember all that lost their lives that day and pray for their families and each other.